While all of our leather goods are handcrafted with care to ensure high quality, the longevity of your items will ultimately come down to how they are cared for. To ensure your Brynn Capella leather goods remain in good condition, please follow these good rules of thumb below.
A little love can go a long way in keeping them looking new longer. Of course, leather is a natural material so understanding how the unique differences affect how to do that is important. I’m sure it goes without saying, but the cleaner you keep your bags, the longer they will last. Our distressed leathers and honest hides are more susceptible to sun damage than our finished leathers. The guide below will help lessen or stop that from happening.
If you do not see your leather color listed, please feel free to reach out to us for guidance.
Our Honest Hides (aniline leather):
- Black Sand- Merlot
- Wicked
- Woodstock
- Whiskey
Discontinued leathers: Bluebell
Notable feature:
They are the highest quality, softest, most natural feeling leather, perfect for a leather enthusiast.
The drawbacks of aniline leather are that it marks easily. It readily absorbs liquids and the dye can fade over time. However, with regular care, even with some marks, aniline leather will last a very long time and even get better with age.
- Start by spraying the entire bag with a water based Waterproof Spray
- Avoid oil, citric acid (like lemon and lime)
- Clean any dirt marks immediately to avoid permanent staining
- Often times scratches will naturally massage in over the course of the lifetime of the handbag, they are not considered a defect or a flaw.
- For minor surface scratches, the natural heat of your hand works great, just like it sounds, massage the scratch in a circular motion with your thumb or palm of your hand until it dissipates.
- If that doesn't work, you can use a heat source. With a hair dryer, just keep it at a safe distance of 6-12” away from the leather. With caution, heat the source and massage the area with your hand as well.
- Or use a leather conditioning agent: We recommend our leather dressing. Make sure to use a soft clean sponge or towel and follow the directions on the product. Your leather will darken at first, so don't freak out if that happens. Let it dry for 24-48 hours before use.
- Do not use oils, saddle soaps or harsh chemicals
- Do not use tap water but distilled water when spot cleaning
Our Finished Leathers (semi-aniline):
- Free Love- Noche
- Rosarito Beach
- Stone Temple
Discontinued: Blue Bayou, Blue Lagoon, Cobblestone, Guava, Ivy League, Mai Tai, Rosewood, Seabreeze, Sangria, Sahara, Sandstone, Sand Dunes, Toucan, Oyster Shell
Vintage leather (also semi-aniline dyed):
- Aquarius
Discontinued leathers: French Vanilla, Olive Branch, Wooden Tiki
Notable feature:
It is still undeniably soft yet boasts the strength and resilience to stand the test of time and is perfect for those hard on their bags. But unlike top-grain leather, the natural characteristics are still visible.
- There is no need to do anything to this leather before use.
- If it gets dirty, wipe any surface dirt with a clean, damp soft cloth
- This leather will not patina and is less subject to color fading, but stain resistance can vary
- Use leather cream to condition (only if needed and probably after years of use)
- Avoid citric acid (like lemon and lime) it can immediately discolor the leather
- Do not use oils, saddle soaps, harsh cleaners or cleaners containing abrasives
- Waterproof Spray is not needed nor will it absorb into semi-aniline leather
Our Distressed Leathers:
- Happy Trails- Cape Cod
- River Rock
Discontinued leathers: Darkhorse, Driftwood, Notting Hill, Panther, Mary Jane
Notable feature:
This leather is super lightweight and will only improve with age and provide a rich distressed look for years to come. However, this leather is also the most susceptible to sun damage without the proper care.
- Use leather cream on day 1 to waterproof this leather
- Coat the entire bag with a leather cream, follow directions on the product
- The cream will waterproof, restore and protect this leather against sun damage.
- It doesn’t have to be conditioned before use, but before you notice any sun damage or lightening.
- Should a spill occur, remove immediately by blotting (not rubbing) with a clean, dry, absorbent cloth
- Avoid oils and citric acid (like lemon and lime) it can immediately discolor the leather.
- Do not use oils, saddle soaps, harsh soaps or cleaners containing abrasives
Looking for the easiest way to determine how your leather will wear?
- If the leather feels very natural and soft, it’s probably aniline leather, so a waterproof spray and leather dressing are your best friends.
- If the leather is soft yet feels coated in some way, it is semi-aniline leather and doesn’t need much care at all, maybe a little leather cream down the line with daily use.
- If the leather looks aged but with a very light coating, it is our distressed leather, the leather cream will act as a waterproof, restore and protecting agent.
For more details on each leather and what makes the highest quality, check out my blog, All Things Leather.